Only the Nord Library (Plucks, Keys, Basses, Choirs) Paypal Link The Electronica Side (Leads, Plucks, Basses, Keys, Formant Choirs) Paypal Link The Ambient Side (Pads, Soundscapes, Keys, Musical FX, Synth Choirs) Paypal Link
#Halion libraries full#
The Full Library (Includes both the Electronica and Atmospheres Library) Paypal Link First choose which platform you will be using and then you have the option to narrow it down by category, if you wish. More information is available on each libraries page. The Celestial Spheres Library may be divided and purchased by type, for your convenience, in 4 ways. Optonal: Celstial Spheres Library Divided By Type In addition, Celestial Spheres also includes original Nord Lead 2 multi-samples in addition to many dozens of unique, completely synthesized Halion instruments.

Both are hybrid sound libraries containing original multi sampled material that is either layered with other multi-samples, or fused with live synthesis using any of Halion's excellent sythesis methods - granular, wavetable, or VA. The Atmospheres Library (Pads, Soundscapes, Keys, Musical FX, Synth Choirs) and the Electronica Library (Leads, Plucks, Basses, Keys, Formant Choirs). Furthermore, the presets can be divided into two categories and can be purchased seperately. The Celestial Spheres Sound Library contains 438 programs/presets using pure synthesis and multi-samples (including original Nord 2 Lead samples). It was designed to be inclusive and cater to just about any contemporary productions, with many dozens of highly unique, quality presets for each category. Whether your crafting epic soundtracks or other ambient scenery and your productions need Soundscapes, Lush Evolving Sounds, Atmospheric Pads and Keys, or your producing the latest contemporary electronic music in need of of seriously deep and solid snappy basses, or highly unique contemporary leads or plucks, Celestial Spheres has you covered.

#Halion libraries Patch#
That said, Celestial Spheres for Steinberg's Halion 6 is full fledged sound library, covering a diverse assortment of patch categories - from ambient soundcscapes to modern leads, plucks, and basses. Celestial Spheres is full of evolving sounds, whether they are keyscapes, fusing beautiful or exotic alien keys layered with back drops of moving musical textures, or full blown lush ambient soundscapes suitable for epic soundtracks or simply to infuse evocative ambient scenes or color into modern productions. That is the theme of Touch The Universes's first venture in sound libraries - lush, evolving, deep movement that is beautiful in its simplicity and complexity. And movement is emotion, beautiful whether as matter or energy. Where celestial spheres are transmuted to sound and celestial orrbits are transmuted to movements in sound energy. Mein persönliches Fazit ist das der "HALion 6" wirklich Einarbeitungszeit benötigt, aber wenn man sich darauf einlässt dann wird er zu einem echten Gewinn im Studio-Alltag.Celestial Spheres - Heavenly Bodies in Motion. Zuerst wurden die Software-Boxen immer kleiner, dann wurden die "Handbücher" abgeschafft und jetzt gibt es nur noch downloads! Wenn die Hersteller in Zukunft immer so weiter machen, dan gibt es die "Lizenzen" bald nur noch per Post im Briefumschlag. Nicht so gut fand ich die lieblose "HALion 6 - Box" wo nur der "Aktivierungs-Code" drin war. Zusätzlich bekommt man dann auch den "HALion Sonic" als Content+VSTi noch dazu der hier wirklich nicht zu verachten ist.ĭie Möglichkeiten der verschiedenen "Synthese-Formen" über die "Sound-Effekt-Bearbeitung" sowie ein echtes "Sample-Recording" ist so immens im HALion 6 das man fast erschlagen wird! (".besser spät als nie")ĭer Content ist meiner Meinung nach, zu HALion 4 und 5 noch einmal richtig aufgewertet worden in Form von verschiedenen VSTi wie "Skylab" oder "Anima". Positiv ist natürlich die Problemlose Einbindung in Cubase sowie das Soundrecording in einem echten Software-Sampler.ĭas die Hersteller so lange von einem "Sample-Player" zu einem"richtigen "Sampler" gebraucht haben ist nicht wirklich nach zu vollziehen. Ich nutze den "HALion 6" hauptsächlich für eigenes Sounddesign im Homerecording Bereich.